Indicators of the Demographic Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Geographical Analytical Study
التنمية الديموغرافية, معدل المواليد, أمد الحياة, مستوى الإحلالAbstract
The demographic study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comes in the context of many challenges facing development because there is an impact between development and the population, and it is not possible to bring about development without taking the characteristics of the population as indicators that help in finding solutions to demographic problems.
The study aimed to identify the demographic characteristics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 1999-2019 from the statistical data of the population based on the demographic indicators used in the analysis of operations from a geographical perspective.
The descriptive, analytical, and historical approaches, in addition to many statistical methods, were adopted in analyzing and representing the data. And primary data sources issued by the government and private agencies, in addition to some international sources.
The study reached several results, the most important of which is the high rate of population growth, which led to the emergence of challenges represented in the increase in spending on services, in addition to the decrease in the age of under fifteen years of age. As a result of the relative increase in the population in the middle age group. This indicates that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will enter the demographic gift that represents a development project for economic and social growth.
The study recommended the necessity of absorbing the expected increase in the labor force for citizens and immigrants and converting it into a demographic gift, providing preliminary data for population statistics and making this data available to researchers, and conducting geographical studies on the demographic development in the Kingdom compared to the countries of the developed world to understand and determine the level of development for the world.
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