The Attitudes of Individuals in Saudi Society Towards Intermarriage Between Saudis and Non-Saudis


  • Dr. Mohammed Aeid Altoom


Mixed marriage, Saudis marrying non-Saudis, motives for marriage


The study aimed to investigate the attitudes of individuals in the Saudi society towards intermarriage between Saudis and non-Saudis, the factors that drive Saudis to marry non-Saudis, and the factors that contribute to their acceptance of such marriages. The study employed a social survey methodology, using a sample size of 1,500 participant.

The study yielded several results, with the most prominent being that the weighted percentage of societal attitudes towards intermarriage reached 64.80%, indicating a moderate level. The study revealed statistically significant differences in the acceptance of this type of marriage among the sample, based on the nationality of non-Saudi mothers or fathers, as well as the presence of non-Saudi relatives. The results indicated that the acceptance of intermarriage among the Saudi society is influenced by various factors, including kinship between the parties regardless of their nationalities, as well as age and the need for care in some cases. Additionally, the study found that high marriage costs, travel abroad, and pre-marital emotional relationships are factors that contribute to the acceptance and motivation of Saudis to engage in intermarriage. Furthermore, previous failed marriages between Saudis also influenced the decision to marry non-Saudis.


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How to Cite

التوم د. م. ب. ع. ب. م. (2024). The Attitudes of Individuals in Saudi Society Towards Intermarriage Between Saudis and Non-Saudis. Journal of Research and Social Studies, 4(1). Retrieved from